DaVinci thinks this play gym was for him to enjoy,
but it is really so I can have a break while he is out of his cage,
and it is working out pretty well so far.
Here he is exploring his play gym:Hmmmm.... These look like steps.
How am I doing?
It has a toy too?
He really likes it best right up on top, especially when Mommy hand feeds him treats like this dried banana. Already a spoiled boy.
DaVinci also LOVES his fruit. He gets fruit every morning.
Here is a short video of him eatting the fruit before I even finish filling the dish.
He loves watermellon.
You can see his eyes flashing as he eats the watermellon.
Alice explained that they do this when they are excited.
On the weekends I make DaVinci some warm breakfast.
This is an organic couscous with mango, carrots, coconut and other things.
You can see his eyes really flashing when he finds the raison.
I call it flashing when the pupils in their eyes go from big to tiny and big again.
Take a look when he finds that raison. Oh my! Hee hee.