Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sinbad Beats the Heat his way...

Sinbad is a Sun Conure parrot. This is the way he likes to "beat the heat".

He was trying so hard to figure out how to hang upside down for his bath. He even used the little soap dispenser nozzle to hold on to. After these pictures were taken I put a bandaid on the faucet to help him to hold on.


  1. awwwww, so cute! He finally jumped in!

  2. That is priceless, he was trying so very hard to get squeaky clean. I'm following you and just added your blog link to my website on the Blog page.
    Cute Blog! :o)

  3. Oh Sinbad you are so cute. I couldn't get over your persistance. You brought a smile to my face. You are # 1 in my book.
    Patty & the Girls
