Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas was simple this year. Stayed at home with the dogs, birds and fish.
Here's some pics and a short video of lots of great gifts.
This was our Christmas card this year:

Here's the video:

The weekend before we went to Jennifer's and Giupetto and Gianna met their new puppy Rocky:


 Gianna watches from the deck:

and their chickens:

Have a Happy and Healthy New Year 2015 !!


  1. Wow, you all had quiet a holiday. heehee. Love the photos and the video.

  2. So fun! I love that you spent the holidays with chickens, too, lol. I am so glad you got a nice, peaceful Christmas at home this year, and especially that you all went to Jenn's, earlier.

  3. This was so sweet! Your babies are such dolls and the music was so beautiful. You got lovely things from John and I love the sock monkey toys for the babies -- and Gianna in the trash bag lol Such a sweet video :) Merry Christmas 2014!
