Saturday, January 15, 2011


Gianna just loves the snow. She wishes she had a playmate.
She has a wonderful deck to play on, nice and big for an apartment, we just love it.

Gianna says - I'll just have to play outside by myself. Maybe rolling in the snow might be fun...

...and some more rolling, so I am nice and wet when I go inside. This is fun!!

And this is what Giupetto prefers...

Below is a collection of pictures of my 2 pups in the snow - Enjoy.
(The picture right after the one with Giupetto pulling Gianna by the coat, he is pulling her back to the house by the drawstring on her hood. LOL)


  1. Giupetto! You are supposed to run and play with your sister!!! Now, don't be a dud!! OH...I see you are playing in the end there....dragging her along...LOL!

  2. Too funny. Love them in the snow. They are so much like furry children. heehee.

  3. So fun watching them play in the snow! I'm with Giupetto, though ;-)
