Sunday, August 21, 2011


I'm a little late in posting this, but this starts about 3 weeks ago...

We got to PA late Thursday night. On Friday morning my husband goes all around watering the potted plants we have on the deck.

He goes upstairs where we have a small deck with a shadow box...

and I hear "There are birds hanging out up here"... Then I hear, "We have eggs!"

Inside the shadow box, is a nest with 4 spotted eggs.

I did see both Mom and Dad, but could not get a picture of them. They are Northern Junkos also known as Dark Slated Junko.

2 weeks later, we went back to PA and.....

there were babies in the nest!

Where you see the yellow lines - that is the outline of thier beaks. If you look close you can see 4 separate yellow outlines. One is beneath the leaf on the left. There ae 4 babies!

And here's Momma. So very hard to see her standing right in the middle over the nest.

((While I was at work, my husband likes to change my screen saver on me, and I came home to this picture. These are not my babies, but I love the similarity, and I just love this picture.))

On Sunday, we packed up to head home. Gianna must think we are going to forget her, because she always climbs on top of the packages. If you take one, she'll just climb up on the next one.

See you later...


  1. that was so great! It was strange, in the one picture you can't see the mamma at all, but the next one, she's visible, but still almost camouflaged in the flowers.
    Gianna is so funny sitting on the luggage so you don't forget her, lol.

  2. This is such a great post! You have the most wonderful blog :) I am amazed to see little eggs turn into those gaping mouths lol How wonderful that you noticed and were able to share it with us! And then Gianna lol I've imagined this in my mind many times, but it is nowhere as cute as the reality is. She is just precious :)

  3. Oh, and of course you know I think Giupetto is too lol

  4. such a great chronicle-o-birds. thanks for sharing them!
